28 JANUARY 1893, Page 30



[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, —I am gladIto see the two letters in the Spectator of January 21st, on "How Home-rule will affect Irish Unionists," and your able article on the same subject placing this question before the public in a phase which appears to me too little contemplated. No doubt we loyalists are honest in our determination "not to have Home-rule," and are unanimous, enthusiastic, and per- haps wise in proclaiming to the world our determination to fight it to the death; but we are not omnipotent, and if forced upon us by irresistible",power, we, like all other people, must submit to destiny. In supposing such a case, I have often on English platforms endeavoured to point out its effect on a people who have pleaded, almost beyond the point of manli- ness, to have their birthright considered in an Empire they have done so much to build up, and upon which they have such inalienable claims. Even that the monstrous proposal should be seriously contemplated by a large section of the people of Great Britain, has driven us already to the point of madness, and if carried out, while I have loved and revered the British Government beyond the power of expression, I feel that I could no more overcome the bitterest hatred to a nation that would have forfeited every claim to national honour, than I could reverse the laws of gravity.

Treachery to a friend is never forgiven. To me and multi- tudes in Ireland, Mr. Gladstone was, until 1886, the beau ideal of a statesman, and almost an object of worship ; but since the introduction of his last Home-rule Bill his very picture excites within us all the repugnance of which we are capable. Suc- cess, then, in his revolutionary measures undoubtedly means the utter alienation of every friend of England in Ireland ; and can any sane Englishman be mad enough to fancy it would reconcile the irreconcilable P So far as I am con- cerned, I do not intend to line a ditch or burn gunpowder, but if Home-rule were granted, I could only cherish the bitterness of a betrayed friend ; and I believe my case is typical of every loyalist:in Ireland. We would then indeed have a united Ireland—united in a, common hatred to a country which had betrayed friends to conciliate foes, and forfeited every principle of national honour. Our Nationalist friends understand the workings of human nature better than their duped English and Scotch allies. But for the reasonable conviction that Home-rule would ultimately unite all sections of Irishmen against the hated rule of England, no Nationalist would ever court the precious gift.—I am, Sir, &c., R. W. MURRAY. Fort William, Belfast, January 24th.