News of the Week
IT is by no means certain that the United States Congress Will- irk* the huge naval -progranime which the Secretary for the-Navy has prodiiCed.- But— let us make no mistalie about this programme should go through, it will be the most important move- ment on the seas since the rise of the German Navy.
There is no - reason, course,' to doubt President Coolidge's declaration that Amekica will build solely for her win- needs, and that she- has no thought of entering into a naval. cdikietition. Nor is there any cause for the alarmist idea that a vastly enlarged Aineiican Navy will make war between. America and Britain appreciably more -" thinkable " than -it was. Never- theless, it is. a. very significant . and very regrettable thing that America should be contemplating this naval expansion when all the nations are doing lip-service to peace. * * *