A Library List
TRAVEL AND BIOGRAPHY :-Wanderers. By Mrs. Henry Cust. (Jonathan Cape. 12s. 6d.)-To the Foot of the Rainbow. By .Clyde Kluckhohn. (Nash and Grayson. 12s. 6d.)- .The Life and Letters of Woodrow Wilson.' By Ray Stannard Baker. (Heinemann. 36s. 2 vols.)--Thomas Chippen- dale. By Edwin J. Layton. (John Murray. 10s. 6d.) MISCELLANEOUS :-The Peace of the Nations. By Hugh Dalton. (Routledge. 5s.)-England from Chaucer to Caxton. By H. S. Bennett. (Methuen: 6i.) Christ in the Common Ways of Life. By Canon C. S. Woodward. (Longman. 2s. 6d.)-Laughing. By Martin Armstrong. (Jarrolds. 5s.)-Breaking Priscian's Head. By J. Y. T. Greig. (Kegan Paul. 2s. 6d.)-The Great Problem. By George Lindsay Johnson. (Hutchinson. 1-8s.) The Day After To-morrow. -By Sir Philip Gibbs. (Hutchinson. 7s..6d.)--Sixteen.Designs for the Theatre. By _ Albert Rutherston. (Oxford University Press. 948. 6d.) NEW EurrloNs :-Antic Hay. By Aldous 'Huxley. Lady into Fax and A Man in the Zoo. By David Garnett. Along the Road. By Aldous Huxley. -Eminent Vic- torians, By Lytton Strachey. -Queen Victoria. By Lytton Strachey. The Mercy of Allah. By Hilaire Belloc. Tales of Five Toions. By Arnold Bennett. (Chatto and Windus, -cloth 3s. 6d: leather 5s.- each.)- The Education of Hetry Adams.. (Constable. 10s. 6d.) Fletlox :-I Know a Secret. By Christopher Morley. (Heine- mann. 7s. 6d.)--The Babylons. By Clemenee Dane. (Heinemann. 7s. 6d.)-Many Latitudes.. I33'i F. Tenny- son Jesse. (Heinemann. 7s. 6d.)-The Two Mackenzies. By W. Pett Ridge. (Methuen. 7s. 6d.)-All or Nothing. By J. D..Bere.sford. (Collins. 7s. 6d.)-Claire and the . , circumstances. By E. Maria Albanesi. (Collins. 7s. 6d.) -Last Post. By Ford Madox Ford. - (Duckworth. 6d.)--,-The Poor Gentleman. By Ian Hay. (Hodder and Stoughton. 7s. 6d.) REFERENCE Boma :-Murray's Handbook of Travel Talk.
(Macmillan. 5s.)-The Musical Directory, 1928. (Rudan, Carte and Co., Ltd. 6i.).= Brittsk-jOrnal of Photography Almanack. (Henry • Greenwood:. 24.)-- Black's Veterinary Dictionary. 'and C: Black211;.)