[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR].
Sta,—In his reference to " Bird Wardens " in your issue of January 14th, Sir W. Beach Thomas concludes his remarks by stating the case of a pair of buzzards whose eggs had been taken for nine consecutive years resulting in the hen finally laying a clutch of pure white eggs. In fairness to collectors such a statement should not .pass without comment. I would like to say that clutches of white eggs produced by a bird normally laying pigmented eggs is generally the result of age. As is admitted, these buzzards had already seen nine years and were probably very much older, and this I suggest is the true explanation.
While I do not uphold such persecution it would appear that there is an all too ready desire to attach blame to collectors without reasoned thought or foundation.—Yours faithfully, D. W. MUSSELWHITE. 59 Mayford Road, Wandsworth Common, London, S.W.12.