It must have been very distressing for a Minister so
averse to publicity as Mr. Hore-Belisha to read the last issue of the Sunday Pictorial. The Army, it appears, " is only playing soldiers." Everything is wrong with it, wrong with the War Office in particular, except only and always Mr. Hore-Belisha. Mr. Hore-Belisha, fortunately, is right everywhere and all the time.
" Hore-Belisha has dynamited the traditions of business sky-high."
" Hore-Belisha, visiting the French manoeuvres, was impressed with the progress our allies had made with these machines [tanks]. He returned to Whitehall with the determination to catch up in production. You've been fooling around long enough,' he said in effect, find the right type of tank—AND FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE GET ON WITH IT.' " " Make no mistake about Hore-Belisha. He has done more for the Army than any reformer since the days of Haldane."
" Leslie Hore-Belisha ? The army trust him. Believe in his future."
What wistful glances the War Minister must cast after his predecessor, surrounded by the reticences of the Silent Service. * * * *