28 JANUARY 1944, Page 14


Sta,—In your issue of January 14th, Mr. H. R. Shaw suggests that George IV was at heart "a straighter man than Charles I," and " Janus appears to concur with what I can only describe as a slander against one of the most moral kings that we have ever had. I would advise these gentlemen to read some more up-to-date histories of the Stuart period. Belloc, for example, in his biography of Charles I, states that his cause was foreordained to failure simply because he was unable to lie. In other words, Charles was beaten because he could not meet hit enemies on their own ground of lies and deceit, treachery and duplicity.

["Janus " writes: I did not intend to concnr. My own classic example of a bad king is George IV. My comment was only meant to indica that if other people chose other examples, that was their affair.]