on the 23,1 inst., at Woburn Abbey. the Lady CHARLE s Russ ELL, of a daughter. Lieut.-Cul. Sir NV. M. G. COL/Hamm of a
At Antigua, the Latly of his Excellency
At ROX1PV, Kent, the Lady MARGARET MARSHAM, of a daughter. On the 25th inst„at Acton,the Lady of Sir Ancona lassrasri Caorr,'Ilart., of a son. On the gist inst„ in Brunswick Square, Brighton, the Lady of Captain RICHARD
BLUNT, of a SOO.
On the 10th inst., at Lochry an House, the Lady of Lieut,-Gen. Sir ALEXANDER WAL- LACE. Bart., K.C.11., of a daughter. On the 93,1 inst., at the house of her father, in Brunswick Square, Mrs. tlesinv CHEAFE, of a daughter. Ois the 931 inst., at her house in Lower Berkeley Street, Mts. Manxuzy, of a son.
On the 24th inst., at St. George's Church, Hanover Square, the Right Hon, FRE- DERICK Jam; WILLIAM, Earl of Cavan, to the Hun. CAROLINE LITTLETON, daughter
of Lord Hatherton.
On the 24th inst., at St. Mary's, Bryanston Square, JOHN BA RNEBT, Esq., M.P.. of Brockliampton, Hereford, to SUSAN, eldest daughter of Henry Elites, Esq., of Coles- borne, Gloucester. On the 20th inst., at St. Margaret's, Westminster, WILLIAM HAMILTON Esq.. to the lion. Miss Inman', one of the Maids of Homier to her Majesty. On the 17th inst., at Cortitchy Castle, JAMES liner, Esq., of Anniston, to Lady CLEMENTINA DRVMMOND 001111Y, SUCO011 (blighter of the Right Hon. the Earl of AMIE'. On the lith tilt., tat Woodstock, in Upper Canada, SPENCF.R MACKAY junior, Esq , son ofSpencer Mackay, Esq., or Upper I larley Street, to MARY, daughter or Admiral Van. titian. of Eastwood, Upper Canada. On the 21st inst., Anntsow, Esq., of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. ISCOISI soul of the late Rev. Joseph Addison, of Weymouth, to ELIZA, eldest daughter of the late James Pollitt, Esq.
On the 20th inst., at East Lodge, Enfield, Admiral Sir Pours:rev MALCOLM, GPIS On the 22t1 inst. at Brighton the Rev. ROBERT COLLETT, A.M of Westerliam Rent.
At Glasgow, JAMES MILLAR, Esq., of Milheugh, Emerit its Professor of Mathematics In the University. At the Hague, Count WILLIAM VAN HOGENDORP, Member of the Council of State. At Nusseerabad, India, MARIA, Wife of Lieut.-Col. It. Rich. 221111engal N.I. lathe Paul l'ry couch, on his toad to Worcester, Mr. JOSEPH GIBBS, of Allington Street, Pimlico. Out the 24th inst., in Ely Place. Holborn, in his 95th year, Enws RD 131ENTLEY, Eq., late Principal of the Acconutont's Office in the Bank of England. III his 96th year, at Treflach, near Oswestry. Mr. W. JEFFREYS, At Ceres, Fife, JOSE:PII Falsifier, its his 112111 year.