For some days past, a considerable quantity of Stock has been thrown upon the market ; and although taken singly, no operation has been extensive, yet in the aggregate the quantity of stock disposed of has been sufficient to cause a de* mand for money, and to produce a depression of 1 per cent. in the prices of the Funds. Consols, which were last week 943, have to-day been as low as 931 far Money, and 93,1 for Account. Reduced Three.and-a-Half per Cent. Stocks have fallen in like proportion. Long Annuities have, however, maintained their price; and are at 15 7.16th 1. Bank Stock has improved ; being 207. India Stock is lower ; the quotation to-day being 2641 265. Exchequer Bills have experienced a serious depression ; having fallen from 83s. to 72s., though they have since been done at 74s.
In the Foreign Market the business has been chiefly confined to Dutch Stock ; which, despite some considerable purchases both for Money and the Account, has not supported its price ; the Two-and-a-Half per Cents, being to- day per cent, below our prices of last week.
The discussion in the House of Lords upon the subject of the Spanish In- demnity Bonds, and the observations of Lord MELBOURNE upon the financial difficulties of the Spanish Government, have caused a decline in Spanish Stock ; the Active Bonds, which were 221i, are to-day 211. The only demand which exists for this description of Stock, is for the Active Bonds, into which a portion of the DA-erred Stock has been converted ; and they main- tain their price notwithstanding the decline of the others.
Portuguese Securities have fallen in a greater proportion than Spanish. The Regency Five per Cents., which were on Monday 361, have been to-day as low as 344; while the Three per Cents., which were 241, have been done at 224. The depression of the Five per Cents. 18:37 has not been so great, as they are quoted at 29.
Brazilian Bands had advanced to 81; but the general heaviness of the other Stocks seems to affect them also, and they are to-day per cent. lower.
Nothing of importance has occurred in the other South American Securi- ties; and prices are nominally the same.
Some little activity has prevailed in the Railway Share Market. The Great Western Shares have been as high as 19 prem. ; being an improvement of 71. per share from last week : the price has since declined, and is to-day IS to 15 per share. The Brighton and Blackwell improved about U. per share ; but they have both fallen back to the full extent of the rise. Greenwich and Croydon have improved about 11. The British Iron Shares, which have for some time been steady between 10/. and 11/, per share, were yesterday done at W.. and are quota to-day at 81 to 91. The Asphaltic Shares, with the excep- tion of Claridge's, which are 3 to 5 prem., are unsaleable, at least to any extent.
We have no change or business of importance in the English Funds. In the Foreign Market, the rumoured resignation of ESPARTERO has caused a de.
dine of and the Active Stock is 211 a : there is, however, very little busi- ness doing in these or any other of the Foreign Funds, The Railway Shares are without variation from the prices of yesterday; viz. Birmingham 80 82
rem, ; New Ditto Quarter Shares 23 24 prem. ; Great Western 13i 14i .em. • Greenwich 15i 16i; British Si 9/1 (nominal.)
Brazilian 5 per Cents
931 4 80 81
3 per Cent.Consols
931 4 Danish 754
Dutch 24 per Cents Ditto for Account
941 4 541 5
3 per Cent. Reduced
ew 34 per Anna
1014 5 Portuguese Regency 5 p.Cts. 344 5 N Cent.
ank Stock 206* 7 Ditto 3 per Cent. 221 3 S
ludiaStock 264 5 Russian (1822)5 per Cent. 113 1134 tto floods 72 4pm. Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent... 214 4 Di
xcheq fl is 11 111s 72 4pm Deferred Stock PI 4 E
gian 5 per Cents 1021. 3 Passive Ditto 45 i Bel