The Visiter's Companion to the Botanic Garden, Glassnevin, by HINIAN
Nies:NI, is a catalogue raisonne of the specimens in the Botanical Garden of the Royal Society of Dublin ; a scientific strol- ling-place for the visitants and inhabitants of the Irish capital,— who sometimes, we are sorry to hear, have "conveyed" things in their zeal. The dryness of a mere catalogue is relieved by a descrip- tion of the gardens; hints for applying on a smaller scale, and to private purposes, the plans adopted at Glassnevin; and a brief history of the institution. Botanical facts are lavishly scattered about, with many tables of classification ; but the chief use of the "Companion" is as a guide-book.
A Flora of Shropshire, by W. A. LEIGHTON, B.A., is an elabo- rate catalogue, scientifically arranged and minutely described, of the different plants which the student will meet with in that county.