Cbr Court.
THE Queen, with the Dutchess of Kent, the Marchioness Wellesley, and Princess Hobenlohe, took a carriage-airing on Monday ; and on Tuesday, her Majesty rode out on horseback with Lord and Lady Portman, Miss Quentin, Lord Uxbridge, and Colonel Cavendish. In the evening the Queen went to the Italian Opera.
The Queen gave a grand state dinner on Wednesday, to the Royal Family and the Foreign Princes and Ambassadors. The company arrived at seven o'clock ; and at half-past seven dinner was served in the Picture-gallery, which was splendidly illuminated and decorated. All the company were in full court dress, and the Knights wore the insignia of their various orders. At the dinner, besides the distin- guished personages mentioned, were the Cabinet Ministers, the prin- cipal members of the Royal Household, the Dukes of Devonshire, Wellington, Norfolk, Sutherland, Lord Hill, Lord Plunket, and Mr.
John Van Buren, son of the President of the United States. Re Majesty received company after dinner ; among whom we notice Se Duke and Dutchess of Richmond, Duke and Dutchess of Somme, Duke and Dutchess of Roxburghe, Dutchess of Northunaberlask Marchioness of Westminster, Earl of Liverpool and Lady Louie Jenkinson, Earl and Countess Cowper, Lord and Lady Ashley
Countess of Verulam, and Lady Mary Grimston. '
There was a state bull at the Palace on Thursday night, attended by nearly all the persons of distinction now in London.
Lord Melbourne visits the Queen every day.