On Wednesday, the Jury summoned to inquire into the mental
con. dition of Lady Seymour, agreed to a verdict that she bad been " insane without lucid intervals from the 17th of May to the 10th of July, and from the 12th to the 25th of July." The additional evidence produced, and the conduct of the poor lady herself on her second examination, left no doubt as to the correctness of the verdict.
An inquiry has taken place at Deptford into the conduct of the Coast Guard who fired into the yacht of Mr. Moore of Greenhithe: but the inquiry was carried on with closed doors, and the result is not known.
At the Bow Street Office, on Thursday, a person, described as I very respectable gentleman, but whose name is not given, applied for assistance to gain an interview with a female relative, a lunatic, supposed to be living on the Surry side of Waterloo Road; upon whose death—and the applicant could not tell whether she was alive or dead—he would be entitled to a considerable property. The parties by whom his relative had been confined would not admit him into thee house. He believed that she had been murdered, and that her property was now in the possession of the persons alluded to. The wife and solicitor of the applicant accompanied him to the office ; and being pn- vately questioned by Mr. Minshull, said that there was no doubt what- ever of his sanity. Ile was directed to apply to the Union Hall Office Magistrates, within whose district the offence was said to have beet committed. The Coroner's Jury which sat on the corpse of Mr. Pow, supposed to have been killed by his surgeon, Myers, with the knowledge of his wife, found a verdict, on Monday, of " Wilful murder against Henry Myers, and also against Angelina Pow, the deceased's wife, as an so- cessory before the fact." A shout of triumph on the delivery of the verdict was raised by the crowd in the room and in the streets. The accused parties have not been apprehended, and are supposed to be con- cealed in London. Rickey. the soldier, whom Judge Park condemned to death for shooting his sergeant at Hampton, has been reprieved, on the inter- cession, it is said, of the Recorder.