Two highway robberies have been committed in the neighbourhood of
Kensington. Miss Auterac, who lives in the Terrace, High Streets Kensington, was walking, about five o'clock in the afternoon of the 18th instant, in Holland Park Back Lane, which leads from Lord Holland's demesne to Notting Hill ; when a fellow put a pistol that breast, and demanded her money. She had neither purse not watch with her, but the robber took off a gold-framed eye-glass and salver chain. On Saturday afternoon,: Mr. John Senior, of Norland Ylace, Not.
5iiigHitl, was walking in the same lane with his son and daughter, about eight and ten years old ; when the same man stopped him, arid presenting two pistols to his breast, demanded his "money or life." Mr. Senior pushed his children away from him, the robber pulled the trigger of both pistols, and though one missed fire, the contents of the other entered Mr. Senior's right side. That gentleman, however, seised his assailant by the throat ; and being, though wounded, by far the more powerful man, held him till a servant of the Duke of Bedford came to his assistance, followed by a servant of Sir John Frazer. The robber was secured and given in custody to the Police. On Monday, he was taken before Sir John Scott Lillie and Mr. Barlow, and com- mitted to prison. His father was present, and said, that the prisoner, who was very young, had been in the service of the Queen of Spain, and had recently returned to England ; his conduct was that of an in- sane person, and he had married a girl without any means of supporting her.
A fire broke out on Wednesday night in the ship-building yard of Mr. Gordon, at Deptford ; and, in consequence of a scarcity of water, property worth about 2000/. was destroyed.
The chemical works belonging to Mr. Crane, in Stratford, Essex, were almost entirely burnt down on Wednesday night. The origin of the fire is not stated : the property was insured.