In a letter from a gentleman belonging to the Euphrates
exploring expediti an, published in the Aberdeen Herald, it is said— In a letter from a gentleman belonging to the Euphrates exploring expediti an, published in the Aberdeen Herald, it is said— W0 left lbs.:orals on the 17th of May, at two o'clock p.m., and reached Butt i IOU 1.Ii ti11. 21th at the sitme hour, after a most arduous but highly success- ful pissige throit411 the Limo-mine and Balls Ionian marshes, thus removing the great hairier to the upward navigation of this noble river."
The '11141114ot'; Johnson. of America, is something like the famous Cur(' Merino of Spain. 1 le has been, or some of his gang have been, at work, it appears, above Chippewa, and contrived to surprise a fat picket of provincial dragoons, who were forgetting, in profound slum- ber, the toils they bad endured in watching him. The result of the coup de main or coup de 1471e, was one dragoon killed and eight taken prisoners. These latter, however, were liberated, after having been stripped of their arms, accoutrements, and clothes.—Times Correspon- dent.