The Duke of Wellington, it is said, leaves England for the Conti. tient early next week. If so, lie will also leave pour Lord Alelbournt in the lurch, and Lyndhurst dominant in the House of Lords.
Sir George Villiers arrived at Clarendon House, North Audlty Street, Oil Tuesday afternoon. It is rumoured that he will not renal to Madrid, but be sent to Petersburg.
We are enabled to state that Sir Edward Blakeney goes out to Canada in the place of Sir John Colborne; and that Sir Frederick ; Adam is to have the command of the forces in Ireland. —Dublin Even- ing Mail.
Lord Charles Wellesley embarks for Canada early in the ensuing month, to assume the command of the Fifteenth Foot, to the Lieu. tenant. Coloneley of which corps his Lordship has been appointed.
The Hastings, which conveyed Lord Durham to Quebec, is now st
Pottsmouth. The cabins, of whose gorgeous embellishments such marvellous stories are told, are just in the same state as when Lord Durham and his family were on board ; and the Hampshire Independent says that they are fitted up in the plainest .manner-
" The sides of the cabin are hung with fourpenny calico, because it wss found cheaper than painting ; the catpett are barely decent ; and the side board is stained deal. The tact it, that the public were excluded from viewing the ship previous to her sailing for Canada, not because it was desirable to eto eeal front the public rye the wasteful costliness of her fitting., but because IS
probers who would have gone on hoard to sitisfy idle curiosity would have been so great that it would have been impossible for Mr. Jones (the steward) to keep safe custody of the property with which he was intrustetl, as an ill-tie- cured cupboard was the only place that could be afforded fur Its accommodation." We understand that Lord Brougham is to be installed Lord Rector in Aberdeen, in the beginning of October, and that his Lordsh p will sidt Edinburgh and Glasgow on his way to the North.—Glusgow Con-
The Gazette of Tuesday announces the following appointments—
She William Woods to be Garter Principal King of Arms; Mr. Edmund Lodge, Clarencieux King of Arms; Mr. Joseph Hawker, Norroy King of Arms;
Mr. James Pulman, Richmond Herald ;
Mr. Albert William Woods, l'ortcullis Pursuivant of Arms, envie promotions are consequent on the death of Sir Ralph Big. land, the lute Garter. Mr. &loop Ayrton, barrister, son of Mr. Ayrton. of James Street, Buckingham Gate, has been appointed by the Lord Chancellor, Register of the Court of Bankruptcy. There were upwalds of u hun- dred applicants for this office.