In the House of Commons last night, in reply to Mr. D. Guterrrns, Lord JOHN RUSSELL said that he would explain a misrepresentation, which he had made with respect to the proposals of the Neapolitan Envoy, who had written to request him to do so. The Envoy stated that all that he had asked was that the English Government should use its in- fluence with Garibaldi to obtain a truce, to allow time for the negotia- tions between the Courts of Naples and Turin. It has never entered into the ides of the King of Naples to ask the English and French Govern- ments to use force to compel that armistice.
Mr. Honsmax at some length reviewed the state of the business before the House.
Lord PALMERSTON said the inference that he drew from the state of business was, that honourable gentlemen should apply themselves to business, and abstain from useless discussions.
Mr. DISRA.ELI charged the Government with having overturned the late Government upon false pretences, with respect to Reform, and its policy, with respect to France. They had wasted the session with an impossible and impracticable programme.
The House had not risen when we went to press.