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THE QUEEN and Prince Consort, still at Osborne, drove out on Saturday afternoon. The Judge-Advocate-General had an audience of her Ma- jesty. Prince and Princess Leiningen visited on Friday, and stayed to luncheon. Earl Granville arrived on a visit to the Queen. Divine ser- vice was performed on Sunday by the Reverend G. Prothero, at which all the Royal Family and members of the household were present.
Earl Granville returned to town on Monday.
The Queen and Prince Consort received by telegraph on Tueed- mqrning the joyful intelligence of the confinement of the Princess Royal, and the birth of a Princess, which took place at ten minutes after eight o'clock on Tuesday morning. The Princess Royal and infant Princess were doing well.
The Duchess of Kent took leave of her Majesty today, on her return to Frogmore House. Her Royal Highness crossed over in the royal yacht Fairy, attended by Lady A. Bruce and Lord James Murray. The Queen, Prince Consort, and Princess Alice rode on horseback on Wednesday. Her Majesty received a telegraphic message, dated this morning, at Potsdam, announcing that her Royal Highness the Princess Royal's condition is most satisfactory, and that the infant Princess is per- fectly well.
The Queen and Prince Consort drove and walked on Thursday. Prin- cess Alice and the Royal Family also drove in the grounds. Lord Clyde arrived from London on a visit to her Majesty, and remains at Osborne. The account which reached her Majesty this morning, by telegraph from Potsdam, is most satisfactory, both with regard to her Royal Highness. the Princess Royal and the infant Princess. The Princess Royal had a very good night and slept continually, and the young Princess is de- scribed as doing very well.