[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "' Sra,—I have for many
years used the fag-end of the dream from which I have just awakened as a means of getting to sleep again. But this I find often fails if the dream happens to be an unusual one : in which case I " set up " a stock-dream, if I may so call it,—that is, one which I have dreamt very often. Most people have each dreams. For twenty years or more, for example, I have dreamt that I can go away on business or pleasure with my head alone, and on my return can unite head and body again, provided that the temperature of the body has not fallen below a certain point in my absence. All manner of delays in crowded streets, at railway-stations, junctions, &c., prevent my speedy return, and frequently on my arrival I find that I am too late. This catastrophe used to awaken me, but it does not do so now. I have merely to put myself in an early stage of my difficulties in Fleet Street or at Clapham Junction, and in a few minutes I am fast asleep.
Hoping that this use of a stock-dream may be of service to some sufferer from insomnia, I am, Sir, &c.,