28 JULY 1888, Page 16


[To THE EDITOR ON THY " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I think this is the best historical essay that has ever been produced by the mind of muddled schoolboy of thirteen. May I commend it to your notice ?—" The massacre of Glencow," asserts this writer, "was that Robert Clive an idle boy when he was at home but, he was sent as a clerk in one of the ships of the company, one day one certain nabob the greatest one in india made an attack on the little village of Glencow he got the whole city of people and shut them up in a little place called the Black hole they got so squashed that only 21 remained on the following morning so Clive went with a small army in thunder and lightning and fought the nabob and beat him for his cruel deed."—I am, Sir, 8z.c.,

G. M. I. B.