28 JULY 1906, Page 17


[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Notwithstanding M. Clemenceau's efforts to put an end to bull-fights in France, the following appeared in all the

French papers on Monday last, July 23rd:— •

" Balers, 22 juillet.

Tin eorrida a en lien, aujourd'hui; six taureaux out et() estoques ; cinq chevaux ont ete tiles; un picador a Its blesse et un homme de service a recu un coup de come par un taureau qui avait sauté la barriere."

Comment is needless. I send you this because there have been some unfriendly criticisms as to the veracity of my

remarks in your issue of July 7th about the dangers and horrors of French bull-fights equalling those of Spain.—I am, 12 Buckingham Street, Strand, W.C.