28 JULY 1906, Page 17


[To TRH EDITOR. OR THE " sr carATon."1 SIR,—You may remember that I called attention in your columns a year or two ago to the needs of the Home for the Pensioners of the Charity Organisation Society. The numerous claims on the sympathies and purses of all who wish to. help their neighbours have naturally tended to weaken the support which for a time was increased by that appeal, and our treasurer now threatens the Home with something like bankruptcy if we cannot raise between eighty and ninety pounds before next October. Yet the need for the Home increases rather than diminishes, and as the inmates grow more infirm it becomes less and less possible to make any substantial reduction in expenses. We have now a matron who is extremely zealous and capable ; but the growing infirmities of which I have spoken have made it necessary not long since to provide more help for the inmates. I may mention that the same cause makes it more difficult to gain any satisfactory income from the sales of work by the pen- sioners. On the other hand, the character of our inmates stands so high that when, during a spring cleaning, we had to find temporary accommodation for two or three of them in a neighbouring institution, our old friends won golden opinions from their hosts. I do trust that with the growing sense of the duty to the poor there will awaken a greater readiness to help so useful an institution.—I am, Sir, 8cc., C. E. MAURICE.