In the House of Lords on Thursday the Archbishop of
Canterbury dealt with the Returns as to religious instruc- tion in Provided schools and the syllabuses for such instruction, He was thankful that in the great majority of the three hundred educational areas religious education of some sorb was now being given. There were a few noteworthy exceptions, especially in Wales. In Cardigan out of seventy-five schools there were sixty in which no religious instruction was given. About one-third of the three hundred areas provided also for inspection. In two hundred and twenty-five areas out of two hundred and ninety-three, regulations were issued for some sort of religions education. In sixty-eight no regulations were issued. In one hundred and twenty-five there was no
inspection. We agree with the Archbishop in thinking that a great deal more care and attention shon'Id be given to the matter of religieus instruction in Provided schools, and we sincerely trust that a strong effort will be made by Church- Men, and by all who realise that religions and Christian Instruction is the essential foundation of true education, to induce the local authorities to do their duty in this respect.