It is far from clear whether the trouble is really
at an end in Natal, for there is rumour of unrest among the Pondos and the tribes of the South ; but at any rate the organised rebellion in Zululand seems to have 'been suppressed. The eight days of grace expired last Sunday, and on that day one thousand and seven rebels bad surrendered. Tile otdcers of the Transvaal contingent have denied that there was any killing of the wounded or of prisoners by white or native troops, but the Bishop of Zululand has demanded a civil inquiry into the alleged shooting of five natives at Rorke's Drift by ,Royston's Horse. The Natal Government have granted the request, and appointed Judge Beaumont to hold an independent inquiry. Their perfectly straightforward action in this respect should protect them from further accusations of tolerating inhumanity, or of indifference to the treatment accorded to the natives.