28 JULY 1906, Page 23

The Ha'penny Millionaire. By George Sunbury. (Methuen and Co. 3s.

6d.)—The "ha'penny millionaire" is not an impostor, but a very worthy man who is "passing rich" on a pension of ..t3 a week and £50 in the bank. Having spent the whole of his working life as a bank-porter, this sum seems, and really is, to him absolute wealth, though it does not appear so magnificent to a young lady with whom he is persuaded that he has fallen a little in love. The book is an account of the adventures of Mr. Melia (the " millionaire ") at the seaside. It may be surmised that these adventures do not err on the side of refinement, as the only friend whom Mr. Melia picks up on the beach is a gentleman whose profession in life is that of a nigger minstrel. It must not be thought that the book is offensively vulgar, but the point of view of the characters is scarcely refined. Mr. Melia is a good enough little old gentleman, but he is not specially interesting ; and although the opening chapter is promising, his adventures at the seaside are not as funny as they are meant to be.