[Undo this heading v notios such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review is other Jonas.] ' Palestine Notes, and other Papers. By J. Wilhelm Rowntree. Edited by Joshua Rowntree. (Headley Brothers. 25. 6d. net.)— The preface, with its brief notices of the life, work, and personality of J. W. Rciwntree, is not the least interesting thing in this volume. The "Palestine Notes" occupy something less than a fourth of the book. They are remarkably vivid in their touches of description ; the details about the structure of the Pyramids, for instance, are very effective in their realising power. Some- times we are conscious of a little jar. The rival Communions in the Holy Places are certainly a sight to overstrain even the large tolerance of the author. The remainder of the volume contains notes of discourses delivered on various subjects, sacred and secular. They are, so to speak, bones which need to be clothed upon, but there is much thought and the result of a wide
reading in them. The notes on ecclesiastical things and persons, Augustine, "the Friends of God," and Wesley are specially note- worthy.