Russia has thus lost Eastern Galicia with its crops ripe
for the harvest, a great quantity of new artillery, munitions, and transport, and probably many thousands of prisoners. It is a great calamity for her, but it is not irreparable. Just as the disasters to the French Republican armies in Belgium and on the Rhine in
the summer of 1793 brought into office the Committee of Publio Safety, with Denton to ride the whirlwind and Carnet to organize victory, so the Russian mutiny has compelled the Social Revolution- aries to form a Ministry of Public Safety, with unlimited power to save Russia if it can. The Commissaries with the Seventh and Eighth Armies, like the French Commissaries of '93, have demanded stern measures for the restoration of discipline. M. Kerensky, Now Russia's Denton, does not know the meaning of the word " impossible," and may yet stop the rot. As Napoleon said, however, "one month of lax discipline causes evils that cannot be remedied by the labours of six months," and the Russian Army has been in a state of disorder since the early spring.