The enemy began an offensive in Galicia on Thursday week,
and some of the Russian troops refused to hold the lines against them. The mutiny, planned by Lenin's followers in concert with their German paymasters, began in the 607th Mlynov Regiment, at Manajov, to the south of Brody. These wretched men left their trenches, and thus obliged the whole line to retire. Troops ordered up in support held meetings, at which they refused to obey. The mutiny spread, and soon the Eleventh Army was dissolvedinto a sullen and chaotic mob, whose main object was to put the Sereth River between them and the .pursuing Germans. The Seventh and Eighth Armies, which under General Korniloff had just made a great advance to Hahn and Kalusz, along the Dniester, had a similar experience. Detachments in contact with the enemy on the Lomnitzagave ground, and the whole force was soon obliged to retreat. The army in the centre, before Brzezany, fell back also, and in a few days General Brussiloff saw all his work of last summer in Galicia undone. Tarnopol, to which the Russians clung after the terrible retreat in 1915, has now been tamely abandoned to the enemy.