In regard to domestic affairs, Herr Michaelis admitted that it
was advisable and necessary to being the political parties into closer touch with the Government by giving Ministerial posts Vu some of their leaders. Bat the politicians, he added, should. recognize that ".the constitutional right of the Itaperial Adminis- tration to conduct- their policy must not be narrowed." "I am not willing," he said, "to permit-the conduct-of affairs to be taken from my hands." The Reichatag, after a debate, than passed a vague and ambiguous peace resolution by a majority of 212 Clericals.. Radicals. and Socialists against a Conservative minority of 126. Without challenging the new Chancellor's reassertion of the auto. crat's powers, it voted hush supplies for the war.and adjourned till the autumn. The German politicians are now wrangling.over the precise meaning to be attached to the speeeh.