READABLE NOVELB. — The Lesion Mystery. By William J. Burns and Isabel
Ostrander. (Eveleigh Nash. 5s.)—A really good American detective story, the development of which the reader is absolutely unable to forecast from the opening chaptora—Soldier Men. By Yes. (John Lane. 13. 6d. net.)—A book of war sketches written with great insight and humour. They have Egypt and the Desert as a background instead of France and Flanders, and are thus specially interesting as being among the that stories dealing with that theatre of war.—The Mork of Cain. By Carolyn Wells (J. B. Lippincott Co. 613.)—A murder story of which the scene is in America.—Autumn. By Muriel Hine. (John Lane. Gs.)—A study of two unsatisfactory marriages. The heroine, who is nearly forty, is a most attractive figure.