The Statesman's Year Book fin- 1917. Edited by J. Scott
Keltio, assisted by IL Epstein. (Macmillan and Co. 12s. 6d. net.)— The fifty-fourth edition of our familiar friend, though somewhat late in appearing, is surprisingly complete, considering the difficulty Of obtaining information about the many belligerent States. Under Russia, for example, the Revolution is described, and Prince Lvoff's late Ministry is recorded in the prefatory pages. There is a useful statement of the political conditions of Arabia and Palestine by Mr. L. W. King, with an excellent map. Another map, showing -the world with the Allies in red and the enemy States in blue, ought to cure the most gloomy pessimist ; but a third map, of our neglected canals and waterwaye, will commend itself to him. The financial and commercial statistics are, as usual, remarkably full and accurate, and include Mr. Boner Law's new Budget. The - tables of the world's production of grain and sugar show very clearly that there is a scarcity, apart altogether from the lack of tonnage.