28 JULY 1928, Page 25

More Books of the Week

(Continued from page 135.) The Brontes' and their Stars, by Miss Maud Margesson (Rider, 12s. 6d.), can be fully appreciated only by the specialist who has more than an amateur interest in modern astrology. The author has worked, with infinite patience, by a sort of double process ; a cross-reference as it were of the inductive and deductive methods of reasoning. She has studied in detail the work and all that is known of the lives of the Bronte Sisters. Every revealing phrase has been selected from the work, and every significant incident from their lives. With this material at hand, she has cast the horoscopes in great detail, and provided them with this elaborate commentary of evidence. It is an interesting study, even to the sceptic, for the arrangement of material is orderly, and brings to light subtle revelations of character and temperament which must throw more light on the Brontes, that star-cluster in the empyrean of genius.

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