Dun weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen
Questions submitted is awarded this week to Dr. Tasker, 2 Cloister Crofts, Leamington Spa, for the following
1. Who sings of " Sabrina fair '? ? To what does he refer ?
2.- Explain the ceremonial, of " pricking " the list of new Sheriffs. What counties are not represented ? " 3. Who was the " 'Angelical-Doctor "1 Why was fie so called ?
- - 4.- Where does black ride white ? • . 5: " Self‘schoord,_ self-scann'd, self-honoured, self-secure." Of whom and by whom was this written ? 6. Which is London's oldeit " daily " ? In whose reign was it first published ?: ‘- • - • 7. What is the distinguishing feature of a " barbecue " ?
8. Give the derivation and meaning of the word " coolie " ?
9. Who was the " Ettrick Shepherd " ? Name his masterpiece.
10. When and by whom were the Scriptures divided into verses ? .11. What were the " Hermetic Books " 1 Account for their name.
12. Who first used the phrase, " Divine chit-chat " ? To wbsk does it refer ?
13. What is meant by the " Benefit of Clergy "
Answers 'will be fount( -op page val..