* * Why, if this be so, should the Prime
Minister's* closest supporters be displaying such uneasiness? If my analysis be correct, the Government have behind their dual policy the great mass of all thinking and unthinking people. It may even be that before the autumn they will be able to produce some tangible evidence of success. Why therefore this hysteria on the part of the Iron Guard? Why should Mr. Walter Liddall of Scunthorpe think it necessary at such a moment to found a Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Mr. Chamberlain? No serious person desires to be unfair or ungenerous to the Prime Minister. Such anxiety as exists is due to the fear lest, in the absence of the House of Commons, he may be tempted, in his hatred of " senti- mental " consideration, to prefer temporary alleviation or "sound business deals" to the vast moral struggle which his policy should entail.