View of South Africa
SIR,—Your correspondent, Mr. Rymer, seems to have missed the point both of Mr. Ray's article on South Africa and also the statement by Dr. Schweitzer, which he quotes. Nobody questions that the child-races need the handling of children ; what is objected to is a policy by which they are not to be allowed to grow up. Atid when such a policy is defended on the ground that, come what may, the white race is and mug remain superior, it is not unnatural that questions should be asked about the quality of the white race which makes such a claim—and this is no more than the writer of your original article has done.
In view of the claim of Mr. Rymer that the difference between European and African is more than skin deep," it will be interesting to hear what are his reactions to the findings, published last week, of Unesco on the subject of race differences.—Yours faithfully,