Last words
Sir: For ten years I have taken your paper. first with an undergraduate's affectation and subse- quently with appreciation of the fairness of the reviews and its agreeable bias towards my on political inclination.
Like most of your readers, I enjoy your non- partisan selection of readers' letters and like most of your readers I have never written to any publication either to complain, pontificate or merely to show off. However, I feel that I must register my unease at your increasingly frequent doctrine, in your column set aside for the ex- pression of readers' opinions, of allowing such of your resident contributprs as may have been criti- cised the indulgence of the last word. Obviously, one of two correspondents must have this advan- tage, but surely it is only courtesy to surrender it to the visiting team.
Perhaps the answer lies in completely accurate and unambiguous writing in the first place; com- modities which, anticipating the courtesy of the final word on this particular subject, I would con- cede are more readily to be found in your excellent publication than in the majority.