Sir: May one old reader express apr ciation of the
publication in your issLI' : of July 14 of Professor Hugh Trevch' Roper's Presidential Address to .t", Joint Association of Classic' Teachers? In printing the text of the addi re5'. you have performed admirably tl's proper function of setting rig111„ badly fouled record. At the same . you have given great pleasure to )131,:je readers by a really outstanding aro`d, — the best I can ever remember re, ing in The Spectator or any ot'5. weekly journal, in a lifetime of profei. sional preoccupation with such to9 terTso. show the way in which the manities can maintain their essen0, place in a balanced education thoroughly enlightened aim, and pursuit by such wise, penetrating, ',lcl at the same time thoroughly deligh"tr, means is greatly to the credit of Professor Trevor-Roper and ' Spectator.
Walter rcir Kent Hatch Lodge, Crockham HO' Edenbridge, Kent..