Call to arms
Sir: I disagree entirely with Gavin Beck (Letters, 21 July). Major Maxwell's letter suggesting the reintroduction of National Service was sensible and imaginative The lack of selfdiscipline, the laxity of conduct, the carelessness of dress and posture which are so shocking in the younger generation would all be cured at a stroke. It did my generation no harm whatsoever to undergo the discipline of military life at the age of 18, and we learned a work ethic that has remained with us to this day.
Some years ago, my husband and I sat in a crowded station and we commented on the remarkable difference in the appearance and gait of the different generations. The older people, both men and women, walked with energy and a straight back while the younger ones slouched along, barely bothering to lift their feet from the ground. A little squarebashing would have cured that!
Mrs. Noreen J Pryor (ex-WRNS) by email