We cannot report the occurrence of many transactions or business of import- ance in the English Funds; which, after some little fluctuation, are about trrcentlowethis afternoon than
t;eel.Thepregiun of Exchequer
ills remains same—namely, to accasional demand upon the Stock Exchange, is still as plentiful for commercial purposes as ever. The exchange upon Paris has declined about per cent within the last few days ; a result of the large sales of the heavier descnption of French Shares which have recently been made in this market, to provide the de is in Paris required by law as a qualification of competition for the different Railways. The other Foreign rates are unchanged. A cruel case of fraud has been discovered in connexion with a recent insol- vency of a member of the Stock Exchange. The broker in question was em- ployed by a lady to invest 5,0001. in the Three per Cent Consols ; winch he did, and handed her the usual receipt. He, however, intimated to her, that she had better, to prevent fraud, accompany him to the Bank and accept the Stock. In the mean time the broker sold the Stock; had a transfer ready; and when his unsuspecting employer accompanied him to the Bank to accept the Stock, (as she believed,) she actually signed a transfer by which the broker was enabled to re- ceive and appropriate the whole amount : by his insolvency the party thus defrauded is precluded from all chance of ever recovering the money.
The business in Foreign Bonds has not been extensive. Some demand has oe- carred for Mexican Deferred Stock; which has advanced slightly, while the Active has declined. The approaching arrangement of that .portion of the Co- lumbian Debt apportioned to the State of New Grenada has given an impulse to Columbian Stock : which has been inquired for, and is quoted at a small advance upon our last prima. Some bargains have occurred in the New Grenada Stock ; the Active having been done at 25*, and the Deferred at 66. The Portuguese Securities are slightly advancing. The amount of Stock converted into Four r per Cents under the new decree is above 4,800,0001. Spanish Stock baede- dined slightly; but, in the almost total absence of business, no transactions liave occurred deserving remark. The most important occurrence in the Share Market has been the rejection by the House of Lords (this day) of the West Riding Railway Bill. This has pro- duced a disastrous effect upon Manchester and Leeds Shares; which, though this morning sold at 115 premium, ate quoted at the close of business at 90 to 96 premium. A reported decision of the House of Commons in favour of the Ports- mouth Atmospheric Line has given an impulse to these Shares; which have risen to 1 premium. The French Shares, from the cause previously noticed, are all lower. The Belgian Shares also continue to decline; and it appears evident, that from the number of schemes now in progress the pressure of the various calls upon the money-market will, as the undertakings advance, cause a demand for money, and consequent depression of prices. The general aspect of the Railway Market during the week hiss been one of depression. In some few instances, the prices of lines collateral or in conjunction with sonic of the great working-lines have advanced; but the great majority of Shares, especially the minor ones, are heavy.
fisrearksz, Twzr.vx o'Crocar.
There is scarcely any change in the prices of either the Foreign or English Funds. Much activity has been observable in the Railway Share-market; and the Parliamentary decisions of yesterday are producing their effects upon various lines. The Portsmouth Atmospheric has improved to 14 24 premium; and Croy- don have advanced about 11., being quoted at 214 and 21. As a natural conse- quence of this movement, South-western have declined to 79, and are quoted at 78 to 80. Manchester and Leeds are the same as yesterday. In consequence of the speculators having oversold themselves, Cambridge and Lincoln are in de- mand at 34 prem. We subjoin a list of bargains actually registered: Cambridge and Lincoln, 44; Eastern Counties, 214; Croydon, 214 1; South-western, 79; London and York, 34; Midland, New, 284; Newark and Sheffield, 24; North $ritieh, New, 64; South Wales, 54 4; Orleans and Vierzon, 15; Ditto and Bor- deaux, 84. The French Shares are all heavy, in consequence of the decline in Paris on Thursday.
The English Funds are heavy; Consols for account having been at 984, and closing at 981 99. There is no change of importance in the Foreign Funds. The Railway Shares are not much changed; South Western, however, being lower— namely, 77.
The following bargains have occurred in addition to those given in the morn- ing: Armagh, Portrush, and Coleraine, 14 4; Birmingham and Gloucester, 1324; Brighton, Lewes, and Hastings, 27; Caledonian, 114; Ditto, Extension, 24; Cam- bridge and Lincoln, 44 4 5: Churnet Valley, 44; Cornwall, 4; Direct Northern, 24 4; Great Grimsby and Sheffield, 4-1-; Great North of England, 2424 64; Hull and Selby, 107; Lancaster and Carlisle, 461; Blackwell, 10 4; Brighton, 744 4; Greenwich, 104; South-western, 77; London and York, 314; Midland, 1864 54; York and North Midland, 110 109; Boulogne and Amiens, 84 4; Great North of France, (Rosamel's,) 24; Orleans, Tours, and Vierzon, 15 144; Orleans, 84 4; Over Yssels, 04 premium; Paris and Rouen, 404 4. Some demand and large business has occurred in the Belgian Shares; Sambre and Meuse having risen from 24 to 4 premium, and Louvain and Jemeppe, and Namur and Liege, being inquired for at present rates.
3 per Cent Consols Ditto fir Account 3 per Cent Reduced. • 34 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 44 per Cents
ChM= 6 per Cents
shut 981 99 994 4 102 3 114 3 211 57 9 shut 90 91 99 100 98 100
Columbian ex Venezuela • • • Danish 3 per Cents. ex.. div Dutch 24 per Cents Ditto 5 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents Ditto Deferred
Portuguese New 5 p. Cts. 1841
Russian 5 per Cents Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents 1842
173 i 89 90 634 99 3 374 8 211 4 664 73 117 118 28 I
41 4