The event at Covent Garden has been the reappearance of
Madame Viardot, in her great part of _Fides. This was last Saturday, when the .Prophite was performed to an. immense audience and with all its former splendour. Mario seemed to have fully recovered his powers in the Pro- phet. Viardot's performance, both dramatic and vocal, was as highly ar- tistic as usual, and as full of originality and genius : the welcome she re- ceived from the public was of the warmest kind. The opera was to have been repeated on Tuesday • but the audience learned, after entering the theatre, that it had been changed to Don Giovanni, in consequence of the sudden indisposition of Signor Mario. This gentleman's great uncer- tainty must be very embarrassing to the theatre. Mr. Gye, the Covent Garden manager, has published a complaint that Mr. Lumley has surreptitiously obtained the music of the Enfant Prodigiee, and has performed it, in contravention of Mr. Gye's copyright and ex- clusive privilege of representation in England, purchased by him from the assignees of Messrs. Scribe and Auber in January last ; and he threatens law proceedings to obtain redress. We record this complaint as an oc- currence of the day, but knowing nothing of the merits of the ease.