On the 18th March, at :Mauritius, the Lady of the Hon. Rawson NV. Rawson, Esq., Treasurer and Paymaster-General of Mat colony, of a son and heir. On the 19th June, at Hartlip Vicarage, near Sittingbourne. Kent, the Wife of the Rev. William Fisher,. M.A., of a daughter.
On the 19th, at Elton Hall, near Stockton-on-Tees, the Wife of the Rev. Henry Moister, of the Rectory, Routh, near Beverley, of a son. Ott the 20th, at Womersley Park, Yorkshire, the Lady Hawke, of a daughter.
On the 21st, in Lowndes Square, the Countess of March, of a daughter. On the 21st, at Rodbaston Hall, Staffordshire, the Lady of Charles Holland, M.D., F.R.S., of a son, still-born. On the 22d, at Stour Provost Rectory, Dorset, the Wife of the Rev. R. A. Denton, of a son.
On the 2341, at Crookedhohn, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, the Wife of Captain Craw- ford Catlin, R.N., of a daughter. On the 23,1, in Guildford Street, Lady Pollock, of a son. On the 23d, at St. Bees, Cumberland, the Wife of the Rev. G. II. Ainger, of a daughter. On the 23d, in Beaumont Street, the Wife of Sir George de la Peer Beresford, Bart., of a son.
On the 6th April, at the British Consulate, Coquhnbo, Chile, South America, Agus- tin Edwards, Esq., of Copiapo, Chile, to Juana, eldest daughter of David Ross, Esq., her Britannic Majesty's Vice-Consul at Coquimbo.
On the 1st May, at St. George's Cathedral, Madras, H. R. Oswald, M.D., Madras Army, eldest. son of H. It. OsiVald, Esq., Douglas. Isle of Man, to Sarah Georgians, second daughter of the late Lieutenant-Colonel William Percy Cunningham, Twenty- fourth Regiment M.N.'.
On the 17th June, at St. Nicholas Church, Brighton, Augustus F. Leeds, Esq„, son of the late Sir George I.eeds, Bart., of Croston Park, Cambridgeshire, to Anna Maria Frances, daughter of the Rev, .1. A. Savage, of Sussex Square, and niece of Sir James Brooke.
On the 19th, at Woolwich, Lieutenant Renry Y. D. Scott, Royal Engineers, to El- len Selina, youngest daughter of the late Major-General Frederick Bowes, H.
On the 21st, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, James Teddy, son of Thomas Black- burn, Esq., of Northdown Hall, Isle of Thanet, to Sarah, second daughter of Lob. bras Charles Hitiufrey, Esq., Q.C., of Great Queen Street, St. James's Park, and of St. Peter's, Thanet.
On the 24th, at Ilenbury Church, the Rev. Daniel Augustus Beaufort, eldest son of Rear-Alliniral Sir Francis Beaufort, K.C.B., and Rector of Lymm-with-Warburton, Cheshire, to Emily Nowc1I, second daughtnins. of Sir John Francis Davis, Bart., of 117p-t.tviz12,4tGloautczt.eLsehoirroce..1,:tLitti.o.,Me.r Minister ter Reentriteoir Lary .1 Kint re, to Louisa Ma- daleine, second daughter a Francis Hawkins, Square, brother of the late Countess of Kintore.
On the 24th, at Ansley, Beds, the Rev. G. Wingate Pearse, M.A., Fellow of Cor- pus Christi College, Oxford, and Rector of Walton, Bucks, to Charlotte, eldest daught r of the Rev. Boteler Cnernocke Smith, of A psley.
On the 26th, at All Souls' Church, Langham Place, James, eldest son of the Right Hononrable Sir George Clerk, Bart., M.P., of Penicuik House, Edinburgh, to Jane, eldest daughter of Major-General Mercer, C. B.
On the 26th, at All Souls' Church, Marylebone, John S. Bowles, Esq., of Milton Berks, to Mary Wintle Gilbert, eldest daughter of the Bishop of Chichester and Mrs. Gilbert.
On the 6th March, at Perth, Western Australia, Charles A. J. Piesse, Colonial Secretary..
On the 14th June, at Douglas, Isle of Man, Sophia Maria Forster, daughter of the late Sir Thomas I nster, of Tullaghan, county Monaghan.,
On the 17th, at Zeals Manor House, Wilts, Chatin Grove, Esq.•, in his 71st year. On the 2I5t, Miss Selina Doyle, sister to the late Sir Francis Hastings Doj le ; in her 67th year.
On the 224, at Boulogne-sur.Mer, the Rev. Thomas Harvey, Minister of the Upper Town Church in that place.
On the 23d, in Sussex Square, Hyde Park Gardens, Henry Hawarden Fazakerley, Esq., of Gillibrand Hall and Fazakerley House, Lancashire; in his 44th year.
On the 23d, at Jersey, Georgians Augusta, Widow of Lieutenant-Colonel Mac- kenzie Fraser, and daughter of the late Right Hon. Sir Charles and Lady Mary Baoot ; in her 33d year.
Lately, William Shepherd, Esq., late of Wilton Crescent, 13elgrave Square, and formerly of Temple Bar ; in his 91st year.