Lord Kitchener later announced that five hundred each of the
1st and 2nd Imperial Light Horse, the South African Light Horse, the Johannesburg Mounted Rifles, Kitchener's Fighting Scouts, and the Scottish Horse should retain without preliminary cost their horses, rifles, and equip- ments, with only the proviso that they should be maintained by the civil Government in a state of efficiency and might be recalled by the military authorities if required. That is excellent news. It is most pleasant to think that the Imperial Light Horse are now given the chance of achieving a historic continuity somewhat akin to that of our own Honourable Artillery Company. In this connection we are truly delighted to note that the honour of knighthood has been conferred on Colonel Wools-Sampson, of the 1.L.H., in fitting recognition of his bravery in the field and his in- valuable services as an Intelligence officer, Our only regret is that his gallant brother-in-arms, Major " Karri " Davies, who is as modest as he is brave—it is an open secret that he has already declined a well-earned decoration—should not also figure in the Honours List. These two men were the knight- errants of the struggle with Boer tyranny both before and during the war, and they should both have been Coronation Knights.