28 JUNE 1935, Page 1

Mr. Roosevelt's New Move The astonishing thing about President Roosevelt

is the manner in which he never at any moment lets the initiative slip from his hand. His reply to the setback to the N.R.A. codes arising from the Supreme Court judgement is a new smashing attack on economic privilege in his Message to Congress on the subject of taxation. The redistribution of wealth by a rigorous use of taxing power is the new plank in his programme ; he proposes taxes on very great inheritances or gifts, higher taxes on very big personal incomes, and a graduated tax on corporate incomes. His new move recalls that of Mr. Lloyd George in his 1909 Budget. -President Roosevelt is asking America, in a swift process of transition guided by himself, to make up arrears of social legislation in respect of which she is twenty years or more behind Britain. His critics might reasonably ask him to bear in mind the mistakes which in certain cases in this country have led to the diversion of national capital to revenue purposes. But in the main he will have progressive opinion with him. He is defining the broad issues on which the next Presidential campaign will turn.