28 JUNE 1940, Page 23


THE twenty-ninth ordinary general meeting of The Zinc Corporation, Ltd., was held on June 25th in London.

Viscount Home (the chairman) said that while the outbreak of war caused the suspension of contracts for realisation of their main products, provisions made in advance to meet this emergency presented any interference with their productive operations, and the employment at the mines and smelters had been in no way affected. Up to the present outside sales had absorbed all the surplus produc- tion of lead and zinc concentrates not covered by the Government contracts. As a result of far-seeing provision of adequate stocks of essential materials, up to date they had not suffered any inconvenience from the absence or scarcity of anything essential to productive opera- tions. Developments at Broken Hill continued to give excellent results. The new mill was doing splendid work. Their zinc concentrates have been absorbed by the Electrolytic Zinc Company of Australasia and the Imperial Smelting Corporation, Limited, on terms which fully justified the association which they have maintained with both these companies, with the object of extending the Empire production of zinc as metal. The report and accounts were adopted.