The Ministry of Information leaflet describing the deport- ment to
be observed " If the Invader Comes " is admirable except for one paragraph which has started a note of query in other minds than mine. It is the one on parachutists. " Remember," we are told, " that if parachutists come down near your home they will not be feeling at all brave." It may no doubt, be true that every Englishman's home has this intimi- dating effect ; if it has it will no doubt be child's play to carry out the instruction about not telling a German anything, not giving him anything—maps, or food, or petrol, or bicycles or anything else. But suppose a housewife armed with a knitting- needle finds at her front door a German, brave or otherwise, armed with a sub-machine gun? The Germans, too, it appears, have a paper of instructions. It contains a number of service- able phrases in English. One of them runs " If you lie to me I shall shoot." The Ministry of Information paper seems to stop just where it begins to be interesting.
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