Sea Lawyer
'It is reported that after the Whitsun recess Sir Hartley Shaweross will be seen more frequently in the House of Commons, although it is not yet his plan to attend there regularly.'
I must go down to the House again—I really must, one day— And all I ask is a tall Whip, to show me what's the way, And the Ford job and the Shell job and other jobs permitting A 'steady' pair at evenings and no All Night Sitting.
I must go down to the House again, on the Opposition side, For a clear call and a rare call that shows a turning tide, And all I ask is an opening speech and a fair sort of hearing, And a good press and an old joke and the Cross Bench cheering.
I must go down to the House again, when the next election's rife, To the Hugh's way and the Nye's way and the way of Mac the Knife, And all I ask is to keep my yacht, with the other pigs in clover, And a safe seat and a soft job, when the polling's over.