SIR,—Your correspondent, Mr. J. Campbell, points to a long outstanding problem. Nevertheless, it is difficult to envisage any plan for remedying the defects in Scotland's economic. system being put into effect.
The Union would have been more aptly termed the 'Absorption.' Unlike the black population of South Africa, Scots have a vote, but it cannot be used towards furthering Scottish interests. Under the existing political structure, any ameliorative measures for Scotland, in Westminster, must almost inevitably be steamrollered before the over- whelming mass of English members. Human nature being what it is. those same English members can hardly be blamed if they view Scotland as a fringe area, suitable mainly for the provision of atomic submarine bases. The office of Secretary of State for Scotland can be regarded as little more than a sop to Cerberus.
If Scottish MPs would vote as a group, Parnell fashion, where Scottish interests are concerned, it is possible that their pressure would make some impact. Otherwise it seems we are fated to be just another element of the 'New British.
67 Browning Road, Leytonstone, Ell