Sir: I always enjoy the writings of Miss Milford and
I particularly enjoyed her lively and witty account of the recent French revolution. Nothing remarkable in that, of course, and hardly worth bothering to write to you about it. However, in the issue of the SPECTATOR of 21 June I noticed an ill-natured attack on this sparkling novelist, erudite historian and distin- guished biographer. Mr Hughes, the author of this attack, also makes a few cracks about the only authentic—now that Mr Macmillan has retired from public life---European statesman.
Mr Hughes seems worried about the paltry sum of 2s, this being the price of this 'selfish, arrogant and meaningless drivel.' If Miss Mit- ford can write some more I will willingly send you an extra 2s 6d for any issue containing a contribution by her. I have not enjoyed anything so much for a long time.