28 JUNE 1969, Page 5

To Sir John


Oh, praise the Lord and pass the bottle And greet good news with open throttle, For what was ever known more right Than Betjeman should be made a Knight?

The bells ring clear, the bells clean From out St Saviour's, Golders Green, Wantage and Magdalen boom his name, And at St Giles' they do the same.

And no one for a moment thinks Of anybody else in Lines.

St Margaret's, Chiselhampton. who Has hearty bellmen good and true

Rings out the old, rings in the new—

St Petroc and St Cadoc, too, St Enadoc (if he existed) And Swindon where they ring strong-fisted.

And all who love him and their neighbour Feel almost tempted to vote Labour.

We only sigh—confess it flatly—

This wasn't done by Major Attlee.