Judgment of Parris
Sir: A word on behalf of Fernando Rodrigues. Matthew Parris informs us (’Another Voice’, 7 June) that thanks to his teacher Mrs McLeod he discovered aged eight that he was a bright boy and could go far and that he has known these things ever since. He gives Fernando Rodrigues as an example of others that were not bright, had no great intellect and struggled with English.
Fernando Rodrigues (who, like me, is Portuguese) was quite upset with this article. He has asked me to inform your readership that he too has done very well. He is happily married and in possession of the love of his children. He has been able to support them in an honest way. As he approaches retirement he looks forward to a great many things he wants to do. He is, as much as any man can be in this hard world, content with his lot. He has no recollection of Mrs McLeod being so stern or of Mr Parris being so bright.
Manuel Lemos Macedo
Tomar, Portugal