28 MARCH 1840, Page 9



There has been considerable demand for money during the week, and this circumstance has checked the disposition to improvement in the English Funds which previously existed. The downward tendency has to-day been further augmented by the division of last night upon Lord STANLEY'S Irish Registration Bill ; and the market was much depressed, the price of Consols for Money having been as low as 90. A supply of money was however ob- tained, an eminent broker having lent 120,000/. upon the security of English Stock at 5 per cent. : the market has consequently improved about * per cent. from the lowest quotation. India Stock has been done at 249, an advance of 1 per cent. upon our last price. We have no quotation of Bank Stock. Exchequer Bills are quoted at 16 to 18 prem. In the absence of news from America, there has been hut little doing in American Securities : in the anticipation of somethinglitvourable by the Great Western, in the early part of next week, there is rather a better appearance in the market; but the business transacted has been quite unimportant, being almost entirely confined to trifling investments. In the Foreign Market, Dutch Stock has experienced an improvement of from g to & per cent. The payment of the Belgians, to which we recently alluded, having precluded the necessity of an issue of Stock to provide the sum required for the payment of the dividends upon the Five per Cents. due on the tot of next month, the speculators who haul sold stock in antitipatiGn, have been compelled to repurchase at a loss, and thus have given tirmn...s, to the market. Russian Bonds are also firmer. Danish Stock not quite so much in demon]. Brazilian arc unchanged. The Columbian and Mexican are both depressed ; but the lousiness transacted has been so trifling as scarcely to afford scope for env remark. There is but little variation in Portuguese Bonds. The purchases of Three per Cent. Stock, to which we last week alluded, have been continued at inter- vals during the week ; but ns the broker who made them was limited to a fixed price, their effect has only been to sustain the market, and they have not pro- duced any improvement in it. Spanish Bonds have fluctuated very materially. The uncertainty of the fate of tile Administration of M. TIIIERS, in conjunction with the decline of these securities in ['Luis, has thrown a large quantity of stock upon the mar- ket ; and the price, which was on Monday 28h, had, under these adverse cir- cumstances declined, after considerable fluctuations, till in the course of yester- day it reached 26A ; at which price one broker, who nets largely The tiweign mercantile houses, sold from 100,000/. to 150,000/. An improvement, how-

ever, occurred from that point ; and some large purchases caused the market to rise, and close yesterday afternoon at 27k. To-day, in consequence of the

improvement ail per cent. in the Paris market, and the general tone of the political intelligene: received by this morning's mail, the market has pre- seated a better appearance. The opening price was 271; : that quotation was hut transiently supported, and a decline to 27 occurred ; then a reaction of to was produced, and the market closes at the higher prices ; very little busi- ness of any kind having been transacted in the course of the afternoon. The

improvement of yesterday afternoon is connected with a report that Don

CARLOS has signed his abdication, in consideration of having a pension settled upon him. There are also several schemes afloat for raising funds by the way of loan, in all of which some momentary benefit to the holders of the present Stock will be held out as the bait to secure their support. All these must be considered as mere speculations ; but they are not without effect upon the price of the Stuck.

SATURPAV,, TWELVE o'CLoric. Very few transactions have occurred in the English Funds; the appearance of the market is, however, rather firmer than yesterday, the demand for money not being so eonsidereble. Exchequer Bills are 36s. to 18s. prem. In the Fo- reign Market, the business has been almost entirely confined to Spanish Active Stock, to which the intelligence of the triumph of M. TRIERS has given in- creased currency; the opening price was 271a, and though several attempts were made to counteract the tendency to improvement, the price has been as high as 274, and is now 271. A. There have been a few transactions in South American Stocks, but there is no variation in the price.

3 per Cent. Consols 901 i Belgian 5 pr Cu',, 104 5 PM() lhr Account Jai i Columbian 6 per Cents 241 L

3 per Cent. Reduced shoot Danish 3 per pools 78# 9/

3; per Cent. Ditto sled Dutch 2/ per Cents 53,I si

Na .4 per Cents. 981 i Portuguese Reg .. [ley 5 per Cts. 331. 4 k RankStock . shut Ditto 3 per Cents 231 41

hachequer 1111Is ..... ....... 16 18 pm. Russian it per Coots— ex. d [12 113 Italia Stock shut Spanish (Active) 271 1 Brazilian 5 per Cents 744 I