Tuesday, March 24.
Barton tunior and Cookson, Mawdsley, Lancashire, quarrymen-Law and Pam Rose Lane, Ratcliffe, brass-founders-Ludlow and Mills, Oxford Street, hosiers-Abbott and Habershon, St. Need's, architects-Edmonson and Co. Ludgate 11111, woollendrapers ; as far as regards B. Howson-Woodgate and Co. St. Leonard's-on-Sea, Sussex-S. and D. Needham, Manchester, pork-butchers-Fearnley and Sons, Birstal, wire-drawers- Bottrell and Co. Birmingham, dealers in coal-II., D., and I. Faicke, Oxford Street, dealers in curiosities-Bates and Co. Liverpool, merchants-Gillham and Co. Dublin, hat-manufacturers; as far as regards G. Moore-J. and E. Wray, Friday Street, com- mission-agents -Veitmaun and Co. Kingston-npon-Hun, merchants ; RS far as regards J. H. Meyer-W. and S. Lewis, Wokingham, Berkshire. builders-Berridge and Baker, Leicester, drapers- Morewood and Co. Liverpool-Allatt and Co. Huddersfield, fancy- manufacturers-Cathie and Co. Charles Street, Long Acre, pianoforte-manufactureni-- Gawthorp and Rideal, Great Portland Street, victuallers-J. and L. Hampson, Duktne field, Cheshire, stone-dealers-Duunieliffe and Co. Nottingham, lace-manufacturers-- G. J. and S. W. Worssam, Great Mitchell Street, St. Luke's, millwrights-Collier and Eaton, Sheffield, share-brokers--Colvill and Birrell, Liverpool, merclutnts-W. and T. C. Roden, Kidderminster, surgeons-Hamilton and Bird, High Street, Islington, book- sellers-Yale and Co. Stoke-upon-Trent, china-manufacturers ; as far as regards G. Barker-Webster and Thompson, Kendal, architects-R., T., and T. Christmas, Mount- field, Sussex, farmers ; as far as regards R. Christmas-Nicholls and Co., Birmingham, lamp-manufacturers-Walkey and Stevens, Plymouth, painters-Carter and Mullett, Kingswinford, Staffordshire, batty-miners-G. and W. Catterson, Beverley, tanners-- Jackson and Moore, Nottingham, linendrapers--NImmo and Cuthbertson, Glasgow. INSOLVENT PETITIONER.-Thomas, Camden Street, Kensington Gravel Pits, painter.
Barrr, Joint, Luton, sheep-salesman, to surrender April 7, May 5 : solicitor, Mr. Wilkinson, Nicholas Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane.
Bum, WILLIAM. Leeds, cloth-merchant, April 4, 27: solicitors, Messrs. Sudlow and Co. Chancery Lane; Mr. Lee, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Kynaston, Leeds.
CRISPIN, Purim., Bristol, carpenter, April 3, May 7: solicitor, Mr. Hinton, Bristol ; official assignee, Mr. Miller, Bristol. Cuiurr, MARTIN, Holborn, builder, Aprll 3, May 7 : solicitors, Messrs. Smith, South- ampton Buildings, Chancery Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinghall Street. ELLts, RICHARD, Richmond Street, Soho, carpenter, April 1, May 5: solicitors,. Messrs. Carlon and Haynes, St. James's Street; official assignee, Edwards. Old Jowl- Gummi, Joan., Manchester, veterinary surgeon, April 6, May 11 : solicitors, Messrs. Williamson and 11111, Gray's Inn ; Messrs. Myers and Birkbeck, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Fott, Manchester. CIRO, JAMES, Moorgate Street, merchant, April 16, May 5: solicitor, Mr. Pelle, Great Winchester Street ; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane.
INNELL, ANN ABIGAIL, and COOKES, ALFRED, Little Queen Street, varnish-makers, April 7, May 5 solicitor, Mr. Stuart, New Inn ; official assig., Mr. Groom, Abchurch L. MORPHEW, WILLIAM, Serenoaks, draper, April 1, May 7 : solicitors, Messrs. Reed and Langford, Friday Street ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street Buildings. PERKINS, JolIN, North Place, Gray's Inn Lane, jeweller, March 28, May 16: solici- tor, Mr. Clark, Finsbury Place ; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Basingball Street. TIESSoN, Tnomss, Warwick Court, Holborn, money-scrivener, April 4, May 16 : soli- citors, Messrs. Bell and Co. Bow Churchyard; official assignee, Green, Aldermanbury. PRINCE, GEORGE, Ramsey, Hampshire, wine-merchant, April 1, May 6: solicitors, Messrs. Watson and Co. Falcqn Square official assignee, Mr. Bell, Coleman Street. RIDING, JAMES, and FIELDING, JAMB, Leyland, Lancashire, cotton-manufacturers, April 4,30: solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple ; Messrs. Winder and Co. Bolton ; Official assignee, Mr. Hobson, Manchester.
RISIITott, JAMES, Over Darwen. cotton-spinner, April 3, 24: solicitors, Fox, Fins- bury Circus ; Worthington aud Co. Manchester ; official assignee, Hobson, Manchester. SMITH, Moses, Birmingham, ironfounder, April 4, May 2: solicitors, Messrs. Smith and Co. Bedford Row ; Messrs. Motteram and Knowles, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr: Whitmore, Birmingham.
TAYLOR, Joici, Hereford, grocer, April 3, May 5: solicitor, Mr. Greatwood, Birming- ham ; official assignee, Mr. Valpy, Birmingham.
TnOMPSON, Joseru, Norwich, grocer, April 7, May 5 ; solicitors, Mr. Storey, Gray's Inn Place ; Mr. Gilman, Norwich ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers. WATERS, CHARLES 11 ENRY, Queen's Row, Pimlico, dealer in paintings, ,larch 31, May 5 : solicitor, Mr. Burbidge, Hatton Garden ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall St. WILLIAMS, EDWARD, Northop, Flintshire, draper, April 7, 24: solicitors, Messrs. Vin- cent and Sherwood, Temple ; Mr. Cross, Liverpool ; official assignee, Bird, Liverpool. WOOD, JAMES RIDDALL. Manchester, varnish-maker, April 6, 29: solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple ; Messrs. Slater and Ileelis, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr.
Pon, Manchester. DIVIDENDS.
April 3. Collyer, Newgate Street, victualler-April 16, Le Jenne, St. Alban's, maltster -April 17, Colborne and Dobbs, Liverpool, wine-merchants-April 14, Hartshorne, Old- swinsford, Worcestershire, iron-manufacturer.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
April 15, Neale, Portsea, innkeeper-April 18, Naylor, Birmingham, haberdasher- April 16, Baines, Manchester, grocer.
To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before April 14.
Jones, Manchester, spirit-merchant-Purnell, Rupert Street, Whitechapel, dealer in vinegar-Bartlett, Southampton, merchant-Bunnett, Bridge House Place, Newington Causeway, window-bllndmaker.
Mackenzie, Hunter Street, Brunswick Square, commission-agent ; first div. of 2s. 6d. March 23, and two subsequent Mondays ; Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane-Allen, Tadley, Hampshire, maltster ; first div. of bs. 4d. March 23, and two subsequent Mondays ; Mr. Alsager, Birchin lane-Milne, Liverpool, painter ; first dlv. of 3s. Id. March 23, or any subsequent Monday ; Mr. Bird, Liverpool-Parry, Euthin, Denbighshire, currier ; first div. of 2s. 3d. Starch 23, or any subsequent Monday ; Mr. Bird, Liverpool-Cooper and Beattie, North Shields, drapers ; first div. of 9s. Starch 28, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Joplin, Bishopwearmouth, draper ; first div. of 4s. 61. March 28, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne- Brigham, Dodden, near Kendal, Roman Catholic clergyman ; first and final div. of 18.7d. March 28, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Wakley, Newenstle-upon-Tyr.e-Bar- ber, Denham Springs, calico-printer ; first div. of 3s. lid. March 31, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Potts, Manchester- Whittaker, Macclesfield, silk-throwster ; second div. of Id., and first and second div. of 7s. bd. on new proofs, March 31, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester-Payne, King Street, Covent Garden, tailor ; dlr. of 2s. 3d. (making with a former div. 4s. 9d.) March 25, and the two subsequent Wed- nesdays, and any subsequent Thursday; /dr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard-Whitington, Great St. Helen's, merchant ; first div. of 4s. 6d. March 25, and the two subsequent Wednesdays, and any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard-Cham- berlaln, Lieson Grove North, glass-merchant ; first div. of 5s. bd March 25, and the two subsequent Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-Graham and Co. Cheapside, calico-printers ; div. of 7s. March 27, or any subsequent Friday ; Mr. Follett, Sifinbrook Court. SCOTCH SEGUESTB.ATION.
AVALABTF.a, J., Hounaton, Paisley, commission-agent, March 30, April 20.
Friday, March 27.
Clark and Co. Rotherhithe, millers-Ileakin and CO. Pontesbury, Shropshire-Jack- son and Stinson, Mansfield, frame-smiths-James and Woodburn, Liverpool, letter- press printers- Rickett and Co. Sheffield, corn-millers-Nicholson and Drew, Devonport, llnendrapers-J. and B. Fowler, Malmesbury, cordwainers-Orton and Donnison, New- eastle-upor -Tyne. mustard-manufacturers-Carling and Milboume, Bishopweannouth, stock-brokers- Chadwick and .Ashworth, Manchester, manufacturers-Wheeler and Sons, High Wycombe, bankers ; as•far as regards T. Wheeler-Philpotts and Weaver, Holborn Hill, shawl warehousemen-Beal and Watson, Spencer Street, Shoreditch, wheelwrghts-Maggi and Cave, Regent Street, milliners-Jones and Williams, Walsall, coal-masters-Hamer and Lund, Bury, Lancashire, cotton-spinners-M. and J. Hayes, Bedford Court, Covent Garden, dentists-Price and Davies, Abergavenny, druggists- Billing and Hall, King's Lynn, flour-dealers-Perks and Riddell, Burton-upon-Trent, brewers ; as far as regards W. Riddell.
Angina., Joint, Stow-on-the-Wold, Gloucestershire, miller, to surrender April 14, May 12: solicitors, Mr. Brookes, Stow-on-the-Wold ; Mr. Short, Bristol ; official as- signee, Mr. Acraman, Bristol.
BALRATT, JOHN CHARLES, Strand, carver, April 3, May 8 : solicitor, Mr. Taylor, Moorgate Street ; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane.
BURROUGHS, BENJAMIN MERCER, Liverpool, ironmonger, April 7, May 8: solicitors, Chester and Co. Staple Inn ; Tyrer, Liverpool ; official assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool.
CLIFTON, ROBERT, Brandon, Suffolk, brewer, April 2, Slay 1 t ; solicitors, Messrs. Hensman, Basinghall Lane ; Messrs. Wayman and Co. Bury St. Edmunds ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry Chambers.
EDMOND, Tuomss, Liverpool, merchant, April 16, 30: solicitors, Mr. Abbott, Charlotte St. ; Atkinson & Co., Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Hobson, Manchester FEATHERSTON, JAMES, and KIRKPATRICK, ROBERT, Manchester, ironfounders, April 16, May 1 : solicitors, Messrs. Fisher and De Jersey, Aldersgate Street ; Mr. Barker, Manchester official assignee, Mr. Robson, Manchester. BALL, JESSE, Rochdale, share-broker, April 9, 30: solicitors, Norris and Co. Bartlett's Buildings ; Mr. Heaton, Rochdale ; official assignee, Mr. Hobson, Manchester. KINGHORN, DAVID JAMES, Boston Street, Marylebone, baker, April 7, May 8: soli- citors, Messrs. Harrison, WaThrook ; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Anna Yard. ROGERS, WILLIAM, Lewes, draper, April 4, May 23: solicitors, Messrs. Soles and Tur- ner, Aldennanbury ; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Sambrook Court. Tizearrrr, JONAS, Cambridge, auctioneer, April 3, May 8: solicitor, Mr. WHIM], Fur- nlval's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. TIMMINS, JOSEPH, Caynbam, brickmaker, April 14, May 8 : solicitors, Messrs. Col- more and Beale, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham.
April 21, Hulse, Little Tower Street, chemist-April 21, Ward, Manchester, auc- tioneer-April 21, Gill, Leadenhall Market, poulterer-April 22, Kelly, Tewkesbury, printer-April 21, Elliott and Allen, Wakefield, cornfactors-April 18, Boulton, Tarde- bigg, Worcestershire, needlemaker-April 18, Brown, Birmingham, merchant-April 20, Stovin, Birmingham, coach-proprietor-April 21, Bromley, Gray's Inn Square, scri- vener-April 18, Millership, Moseley New Colliery, Staffordshire, coal-master.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
April 18, Calway, Toolcy Street, draper-April 18, Dean, Cherries Street, Tottenham Court Road, victualler-April 21, Carlile, Little Love Lane, commission-agent-April 21, Williamson, Great Portland Street, wine-merchant-April 21, Allerton, Bootle-cum- Linacre, Lancashire, wheelwright-April 20, Holm, Leeds, dyer-April 22, Arnold, Wal- sall, Staffordshire, woollendraper-April 24, Capas, Aston-junta-Birmingham, builder -April 20. Davis, Cheetham, Lancashire, plasterer. To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before April 17. Adams, Cheapside, calico-printer-Muggeridge, St. John Street, wiredrawer-Brown, Connaught Terrace, boottnaker-Roberts and Hughes, Manchester, llnendrapers.
Isard and Edwards, Kennington Row, upholsterers ; first div. of Is., any Saturday ; Mr. Green, Aldennanbnry-Lett, Commercial Road, Lambeth, timber-merchant ; se- cond dlv. of 11}d. any Wednesday ; Mr. Whitmore, Basingball Street-Clarke, Cower Street North, plumber ; first inv. of 1 lid. any Wednesday; Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Jones senior, Budge Row, paateboard-manufacturer ; first dlr. of 3s. any Wed- nesday; Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Tomlin, St. Michael's Alley, Cornhill, mer- chant; first div. of 20s. any Wednesday ; Mr. Whitmore, Basingball Street.